Matthew 5:16

Matthew 5:16

Friday, January 25, 2013

Truckin' For Jesus.


 It's been awhile since I've been on here and I realize there
is much to be delivered.  I have come to realize  a lot of things
left lying around that needs to be picked up and carried to
better places and this will be quite a journey even though
I may go nowhere geographically speaking.
 The first thing is to carry with me God's word. As a truck
that is no good without its driver, I am no good without God
and His word. We (and I) must deliver the Word as well as
a truck driver that delivers his goods. As a truck that picks
up its cargo and drops it off at its destination, We pick up the
Word by reading, meditating and memorizing and then drop
it off by sharing with others. That is what you call Truckin'
for Jesus.  Pick up the Word, carry it with you and drop it
off. To translate:  Read, meditate, and share.

Have a blessed day.