Zach Donaldson's Blog
My thoughts on Christianity, the Bible, my hobbies, and anything else as it relates to Christianity.
Matthew 5:16

Monday, May 26, 2014
Built for God by True Worship of God.
I have been fascinated and intrigued by the Tabernacle recently as
it was the first house of the Lord. It was the Lord's way of dwelling
among His people until He sent His Son Jesus to dwell within us
much later.
The origins and development of the Tabernacle begin in Exodus
chapter twenty-five starting in verse eight:
"And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them."
(Exodus 25:8)
Prior to verse eight of Exodus twenty-five, at the beginning of the chapter
God spoke to Moses and told him to speak to the children of Israel to
bring the Lord offerings of the material needed to create the Tabernacle.
In reading verse two of chapter twenty-five the Lord instructs Moses to
take the offerings of those who gave willingly with his heart. "From
everyone who gives willingly with his heart you shall take My offerings."
(Exodus 25:2)
In studying this chapter to get a better understanding, God told Moses to take
of the offerings that were given willingly because those that gave of the heart and
not by compulsion showed true worship of the Lord. The Lord wanted gifts that
were given freely and gladly.
The Tabernacle is a perfect example of giving freely and cheerfully. I practically
consider it a symbol of cheerful giving and true worship. One only has to go to
the seventh verse Second Corinthians chapter nine to see it plainly.
"For God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)
I also believe it is cheerful giving and true worship that has kept my own
church going despite it's small congregation. And I believe it is because
of the hearts of those in the congregation. You see, it is not the quantity
that matters in a church, but the quality. And by quality it is the hearts
of those who show true worship of the Lord, be it by cheerful giving or
doing whatever kind of work for the Lord. And if cheerful giving to the
Lord can help create such a magnificent masterpiece as the Tabernacle,
how much more so can it bring out the spiritual quality of a small church
than by the cheerful giving and true worship of it's congregation? Quite
a lot. And to God be the glory!
Have a blessed day.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Inspired by Men of Low Estate.
I have read the book of James chapter two where it talks of
personal favortism toward certain folks who visit the church.
In James 2:1-5 it talks of showing favoritism to the rich man
but discrimination of the poor man:
"My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality. For if there
should come into your assembly a man with gold rings,
in fine apparel, and there should also come in a poor
man in filthy clothes, and you pay attention to the one
wearing the fine clothes and say to him, 'You sit here
in a good place,' and say to the poor man, 'You stand
there,' or, 'Sit here at my footstool,' have you not shown
partiality among yourselves and become judges of evil
Listen my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the
poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs to the
kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?"
I often thought a lot about myself if you go back to the last
post I wrote on feeling like a dejected man among believers.
(Isn't true, btw).
But as of recent our church has welcomed at least three
people who had either become victims of this tough economy
and/or certain vices or addictions and over time I had begun
to know them quite well. I am not going to go into details of
their hardships or struggles nor am I going to give their names
but in getting to know them and spend some time with them
I actually found one of them to be INSPIRING and ENCOU-
-RAGING. Yes, you read right, he has begun to be an
encouragement as well as an inspiration!
I say that because despite the certain hardships and struggles
he is going through he has been attending church more
frequently and by telling me some of his testimonies I
get to see how the Lord is working in his life and that is
what I mean by him being an inspiration and an encouragement!
Instead of looking down on people who are least esteemed,
we should not only exalt them but see them as an inspiration
and an encouragement when the Lord blesses them.
My friends, look at it like this; You too, may find yourself in
a needy situation (and don't think it can't happen to you, it can)
and if you see how the Lord is working on those of humble means
would he not do the same for you?
There is another verse of scripture in Romans 12:16 which I want
to include here:
"Do not set your mind on high things, but condescend to men of
low estate. Do not be wise in your own opinion."
And as of recent I find myself talking, fellowshipping, and
even sitting with these recent visitors.
Exalt, be encouraged and inspired by men of low estate and
that way you get to see the Lord at work which will help your
own faith in the Lord as well!
Have a blessed day.
Friday, July 5, 2013
This Is The Way It Is.
It was always said that the 'truth shall set you free' and as
a Christian, I believe that is true. But the truth is also very
harsh as well, especially when you finally realize it late in life
and worse, I may have no choice but to just live it out.
You see, stubbornness and foolishness at a young age that
goes unchecked can do much damage in the later years as
I have now found out. I cannot count the number of times
wishing I could turn back the hands of time and right the
wrongs I did. It wasn't so much I harmed anyone else but
more harming myself.
So now you are wondering what brought this topic up.
I will tell you, but this can get lengthy, so bear with me.
Let's say for starters, I may have to live the life of a
dejected man due to some major negligence on my part,
add to it with this economy this seems to be no place for
middle-aged men such as myself. Though I am content
being single I also know that I am going to have to live
with the fact that an unmarried+ middle-aged man=
damaged goods. Even among Christian circles a
never-married man at fifty-two-years-of-age is
undesirable. Stop right there! Don't tell me I'm
being too hard on myself! That is simple truth!
I have been among Christians long enough to
know what is expected of Christian men after
reading literature, hearing various sermons, and
general conversations among Christian men and
women on the subject. I realized after hearing all
of this, is that I may have to live like a dejected man
even among my own Christian brethren. There seems to
be an underlying message which tells me things such as:
"You're not good enough," "This is what a real Christian
man is, so measure up," and, well I won't go on. Let's just
narrow it down to this: "You're not a real Christian man,"
is the message I have been getting. In short, "You're
not good enough!"
So how good am I supposed to be? I realize that my lot in
life isn't normal by society's (and even Christian) standards
and I also realize that it was mostly my fault. Yes, I confess that!
But I also realize that I have been comfortable just as I am as
well. I am truly blessed for a man of modest if not low means
and I have the Lord Almighty to make me realize that. I have
food and clothing and do things I enjoy which I see as perks
of Christianity, much like the fringe benefits of being employed
by a certain company. Oh, but I can't share that with anyone!
It sounds like I have to be better than that. I got news for you
my good people, I will never be good enough for you because
I am at the stage in life where I should have had it together years
ago. Guess what? You are right, I should have gotten my act
together all those years ago and bettered myself so I could be
that man society and/or Christianity and a potential wife could
accept, love, and respect.
Okay, so I'm not good husband/father material. What? So for that
I'm not good enough for Christianity, too? Haha, you're right again.
I'm not a good husband and father candidate because a man in his fifties
on a modest income couldn't support a wife and kids, add to it that
financially speaking, it gets pretty tough money-wise when you wish to
send your kids to college and approaching retirement age.
Okay, so what if I did blow all these opportunities sky high a long
time ago and that I am considered damaged goods? Am I supposed
to be any less of a Christian man because of that? For awhile I did
feel good about who I was after being saved but then all this marriage
mandate and these 'man-up' campaigns all came about as if to shame
Well, it's come down to this, I find it easier to live like a dejected man
than to go through major life changes this late in life. I'm too used to
living alone and doing things I enjoy to even want to make those kinds
of changes (marriage and fatherhood) and besides, I can't afford it.
But, I CAN afford to do things for the Lord and to enjoy my hobbies
which I consider perks. But if I'm not considered good enough because
I haven't made myself good husband and father material, then I'll just
have to endure living as a dejected man, even among my own Christian
brethren. But I will not be shamed or coerced into it just because of
missed opportunities. You can accept me or reject me, but I have made
my choice.
Have a blessed day.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy Fourth of July!
Have a safe and Happy Fourth of July and remember to
thank a vet and all military people currently serving in our
armed forces, but more importantly thank the Lord Almighty
who really made it all possible.
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." (Psalm 33:12)
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Long Hours at Work= Manna From Heaven
It has been quite awhile since I posted on here but overtime at
the coin vault has kept me away from this and my Newberry
storyblog. Been at my parents' house one Saturday to assist
with a slight plumbing issue and the weekends after that I
spent on my model kits and church.
Now in regard to the overtime at work that I just mentioned,
most would probably murmur and complain about the long
hours and I can understand that, especially if one has a family.
But to me it has been a blessing in disguise as it has helped me
with certain financial issues due to some medical bills and some
automotive issues. Yes, more is taken out in taxes and going to
a bi-weekly pay period has made it a bit tight if not inconvenient
but to me it's been like manna from heaven as I have had more
disposable income than before and that has helped with the bills
I mentioned and not only that, could save more as well. I won't
say I'm rolling in dough, but I will say that I am rolling in God's
blessings and these blessings are for a reason. God honors it
when we pay our debts. He knew my situation and I believe
this is His answer. He does as it is written in Phillipians 4:19:
"My God shall supply all your need according to His
riches and glory by Christ Jesus."
And it is to God that I give the glory to because He has
allowed it. Our branch has gone through some changes
and we lost three managers due to some issues that
were discovered but the rest of us as well as myself
are still there and it looks promising. I myself had to
make a few adjustments in what I did but if that's what
it will take for the branch here in Cincinnati to go forward,
I'll take the change anytime.
I now do what I thought I'd never do and that's heading
to the gym early in the morning so as to not be out too late
what with the longer hours. I need my exercise as well.
Here's a verse from 3 John:2:
"I pray that your soul prospers in all things and
be in health, just as your soul prospers."
It was my prayers and the prayers of others that have
been a blessing as well and He has certainly answered
them according to His riches and glory. And I thank
you all who have prayed for me and I ask that you please
continue to do so.
I am working nine-and-half hours through next week to
keep our orders filled and keeping in mind that all this is
a blessing from the Lord is what keeps me going.
I leave you with this verse from Deuteronomy 28:12:
"The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of
His bounty, to send rain on your land in season and
to bless all the work of your hands."
Have a blessed day.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
With Food and Clothing, Let Us Be Content.
Greetings and Salutations,
Earlier at the beginning of this year I have experienced some certain
financial hardships and the company where I am employed, Brinks,
has changed from a weekly to bi-weekly pay period, so things have
been a bit tight as of now. Of course I am still thankful to be employed
and have food, clothing and shelter which are the basic necessities and
right now that is all that's important as far as possessions go.
I have been eating both lunch and dinner where I work, lunch during
the noon lunchbreak and then when I get off work before heading to
the gym. I purchase food that can be microwaved and has in fact
been on the menu since last month. I have been buying at Family Dollar
mostly with the exception of certain food items such as meat and fresh
vegetables. I buy enough to last me two weeks and praise the Lord
have been keeping it under fifty dollars. God is good!
The key word for this post is contentment. The contentment I am
talking about can be found in the New Testament book of 1 Timothy
6:6-8 which reads like this:
"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought
nothing into this world and we will take nothing out of it. But if
we have food and clothing we will be content with that." (NIV)
The word contentment popped into my mind when faced with these
struggles with money. While it has been a chore sitting down to
re-work my finances and budget, I also find that I can still be content
with what I can still purchase and with what I already have. I guess
the overall thing I am going through is a lesson in contentment.
I end with this scripture verse from Luke 3:14, Phillipians 4:11-12,
and Hebrews 13:5:
"Don't extort money and don't accuse people falsely and
be content with your wages." (Luke 3:14)
"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have
plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and
every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in
plenty or in want." (Phillipians 4:11-12)
"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content
with what you have." (Hebrews 13:5)
Have a blessed day.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Wrath on the Road: How I Overcame.
My place of employment takes me to the Queensgate area
of Cincinnati, which is in the southwest corner of the downtown
Cincinnati area, and I take Interstate 75 to get there, save for
heavy rainy or snowy weather in which I take the alternate
route through Vine Street, Spring Grove Ave. and then
Dalton Street. I-75 scares me plenty on rainy or snowy days
as some if not most other motorists drive as if it's clear sailing
which I think is very foolish on wet or icy roads, and accidents
on I-75 are frequent enough as it is.
But even on normal days the early morning commute frequently
gets intense, especially around 7am. Come to think of it, so do
I. Worse yet, I get a little too intense, more so than the traffic
in fact. Not a good way to behave. It seems it's always on the
road that I'm not at my best tempermentally speaking, if I don't
count some of the intense moments at work as well because
there I get out from behind the wheel of my car and get in
behind the wheel of a forklift truck. Mind you, I don't drive
recklessly in either my car or the forklift but inwardly I
can burn with wrath if someone blocks me, cuts in front of
me, tailgates me, or if they're in front of me, I perceive they are
going too slow. It's almost like if my car had weapons, I would
take them out. OOH. Commiting murder in my heart. Not a
good characteristic for a Christian, in fact, it's conduct unbecoming.
Now while no one else may see my anger, God does, and He
knows the innermost thoughts of the heart. Something needs to be
done here, yes?
Well part of the solution was to leave earlier than usual to avoid
the 7am rush hour which has helped, but this attitude issue I knew
is what really needs to be addressed here.
Part of my prayers when I start the day was always to ask the
Lord every morning to grant me safe, traveling mercies when I
head to work and then home and anywhere else I may go that
day. Gradually when other motorists got careless around me
in whatever they did that could've endagered me and yet didn't
I thank the Lord that there was no accident involved in regard
to the other motorists' recklessness. In short I count my bless-
-ings. I have made it more of a habit each day to do that and
to realize each that I went to work in one piece and that I
came home likewise. The solutions were allowing God as
the driver, and me the co-driver, and to count the small
blessings of not getting into accidents whether they had the
potential to be my fault or that of others. Besides, it's all so
petty anyway. Those times other motorists could have
done me harm, or even I to them, God has kept His
hand on me (and the other motorists, too) and kept me
from harm, so why not count my blessings, and yes, why
get angry. Here I still am, and I thank you , Lord, amen!
Have a blessed day.
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