On Wednsday night services, our church has a work night
as well as devotional services. One of the tasks we do is
changing the lettering on the church road sign out in the
front of our church. The one in the pic above is the
latest message, which brings me to the topic.
This has to be a scary verse if the word escape is used
in it and it seemed like an excellent message to put out
for everyone to see.
So then, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a
salvation if it was spoken by God Himself and confirmed
to us by those who heard Him?
It would seem quite clear because the salvation spoken
of was delivered by an even greater Messenger than the
angels, which was Jesus Christ Himself. In verse four
of Hebrews chapter two it is mentioned God made it
clear by signs, wonders, miracles, and gifts of the
Holy Spirit. Seeing all that, how can we as believers
neglect so great a salvation? I could safely say we would
be without excuse.
I believe the message here is to make sure your salvation
is sure. There are a lot of professing believers out there
believing they are saved and on their way to heaven but
may find out the hard way that they were not truly saved.
How shall we escape indeed?!?
That answer lies in Hebrews chapter one and that is to
give earnest heed to the things we heard, or we will drift
away. (Hebrews 2:1)
After all the signs and wonders, how could one not drift
away? But it can happen, that is why the author of Hebrews
warned the believers then. That holds true for believers today
as well, hence the message on our church sign.
I admit I have questioned my own salvation so I was glad
for that passage of scripture. I believe we must all search
ourselves and make sure each day our salvation is sure so
as to not neglect it or drift away. We as believers have
heard from the Lord because we have heard the gospel
message. We must not neglect to hear it or we will drift
away. And I need it as much and probably more as
some others.
Let's not neglect our salvation. It is too priceless.
Have a blessed day. :)
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