Matthew 5:16

Matthew 5:16

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Turn! Turn! Turn!" Ecclesiastes III:I-VIII: The Spirals of Life.


Some weeks ago at work while taking my lunchbreak in my car I tuned into
an AM station that played oldies of the 1950s to the 1970s. I had originally
wanted to eat outside and under the pine tree where I usually sit under but
I felt drawn to turn and walk back toward my car, so I did.
I usually listen to a Christian station but this time I didn't do that and as I
tuned to the oldies station an old tune titled, "Turn! Turn! Turn!" by the
1960s pop group The Byrds came on. When the group began the vocals
I immediately thought about the spirals of life which an elder friend and I
had talked about recently during a counseling session we had together.
the words to the tune, 'Turn! Turn! Turn!' immediately got me thinking
about the spirals in the spirals of life because as in the title of the said
tune that was playing on my car's stereo, a spiral does indeed turn, turn
and turn.  Oh, was the Lord ever shining His light on me just then!

 As of recent I have had certain issues which had gotten me down
spiritually which really shouldn't have and the song I just heard had
remided me of what my church elder friend was counseling me on.
This old classic pop tune just helped to make it abundantly clear
that there was a time for everything be it good or bad.
 The trouble with me was ( and still is sometimes) is that I very often
idolized the good things no matter how big or small they were that
when certain thing changed or even seemed to me to change for the
worse (I often perceived the worst) well, I don't handle it well. The
incident in question nearly broke me emotionally and the worst part
was, it was more perceived than it was real. Like I wrote in my one
post about the quaking aspen tree, I 'quaked' at the slightest issue.
Not healthy, is it?

 Now I had gotten over that issue in question and always kept in
mind the things my elder/counsellor had talked about, but when
that old pop tune came on it enlightened me even more and a
great peace had swept over me that day. I find that the Lord
can even use old pop tunes to speak to us.  Who said that
rock and roll was the devil's music?  It isn't if the Lord uses it.
I actually had two blessings that day, peace and the opportunity
to gain more wisdom. Thank you, Jesus!

Have a blessed day.

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