Matthew 5:16

Matthew 5:16

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Exalted vs. Humbled


 In the book of Matthew chapter 23 Jesus talks about
the scribes (teachers of Hebrew law) and the Pharisees
who were members of the strict Jewish sect which held
the Mosaic law and their own traditions as binding.
 Jesus even stated Himself that the scribes and the
Pharisees sat on Moses' seat and instructed His
followers to obey them.  But He also went on to
tell them not to do what they did because the
scribes and Pharisees didn't practice what they
preached. (Matthew 23:1-3).
 Jesus then went on to tell his followers the
ways in which the scribes and Pharisees exalted
themselves while out in public, at banquets, and
in the synagogues, all to be seen of men. (Matthew
23: 4-7).
 Now Jesus literally turns the idea of leadership on
its head in verses eight through twelve of chapter 23
in which He says:

 "But you are not to be called 'Rabbi,' for you only
have one Master and you are all brothers.  And do
not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one
Father, and He is in heaven. Nor are you to be
called 'teacher,' for you have one Teacher, the Christ.
The greatest among you shall be your servant.  For
whoever exalts himself shall be humbled, and whoever
humbles himself shall be exalted."

Jesus was instructing His followers to not get arrogant, heady,
and high-minded.  In short He was warning them about pride.
God hates a proud heart because pride does away with the
need of Him. In Proverbs 29:23 it reads, "A man's pride
brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor."

 In the past I frequently struggled with bouts of inferiority
and insignificance seeing that I was (and still am) a man
of modest means and low social status. If there was ever
a man that was lowly in spirit, it was me. Even as of recent
I have had these struggles. There were times in church that
I sat in the back of the sanctuary alone and felt unworthy to
sit with the others even though no one showed any rejection
towards me. And it was also of recent that I began to take
a long hard look at myself and realize I was isolating myself
from my brothers- (and sisters) -in-Christ.
 I still feel that I am the least of my siblings-in-Christ but now
I am seeing that more as a badge of honor than a ribbon of
shame after reading scriptures dealing with pride versus
 As a Christian I now realize how foolish it had been to carry
this feeling of insignificance. So foolish in fact that I didn't
really realize how much I really had it made. What I mean was
I failed to see all the little ways the Lord has blessed me and
that how much those little blessings really added up.  Yes, I
live on a modest income, drive a thirteen-year-old Saturn
sedan, live in a one-bedroom apartment, and had debts due
to some unexpected occurences. But my bills are always
paid, I have food to eat, and I take joy in small pleasures
such as my hobby of model cars (which God has graciously
allowed me to have) plus a caring church family.  Oh Lord,
I feel humbled yet so exalted! 
 I pray that the Lord keeps me humble and to guard my heart
and mind against pride.  If anyone considers me the greatest,
my I serve them in humility such as Jesus did in washing His
disciples' feet.  If anyone considers me the least, may it be used
to glorify the Lord!  Amen!

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